Saturday, January 10, 2009

The Bag Bag

So far, so good...I have taken a stitch in something every day since Jan 2nd. This could become I habit...I hope!

Today I want to show you the "Bag Bag" I made. What do you call these things anyway? I like Bag Bag - a fellow Kiwi blogger, Liz, (check out her blog and please leave a comment if you have a moment - I'm sure she's sick of reading my lone comments!) calls them that and I like it too, so that's what I'm calling them from now on.

I was inspired by the one shown on Pink Penguin, as it was different from the usual cylindrical ones you see, (and I have made in the past) and Ayumi surprised me by leaving a comment along with her measurements! I ended up making mine a little bigger - it finishes at around 20"x8", but I had a lot of bags to stuff in there... I didn't use any batting or do any quilting, but I did use Craft Fuse which gave it a nice firm finish. Best of all, I was able to use some of my very favorite scraps, and a piece of vintage ribbon which came in a package I won back here. Oh and the only reason it is hanging where it is, is because the old owners of our house had put a hook in the ceiling there to hang a plant, and well, I was just desperate to hang it somewhere - anywhere - to see how it looked!
Now you may see some orange polka dotted curtains behind the bag...I need to save something to share next time, so the story of how and why they came to be will be revealed in the next day or two. Needless to say, it has been a very busy weekend!


  1. Oh I love your bag bag!!! Its gorgeous, and fabo. Im liking the look of the polka dot curtains and looking forward to hearing the story of them!!! And thank you so much for the mention! :)

  2. I think that Bag bag is perfect and yours is beautiful;)

  3. That bag is so cute...not so sure about the crack in the butt thing though, LOL! I'm so bad, LOL!

  4. Yep, it's a bag bag here too! Yours is bright and beautiful.

  5. Love the bag bag, it looks fantastic! I'm glad to see so many HOT colours in there as well :)

  6. Great bag! I think those colors would make a great purse also.

  7. Love it. I think I recognize some of those fabrics...

  8. Joanna, that's a really cute bag! You get a great big YEA!!! (with clapping hands) for sewing a little everyday!

  9. Your bag bag is so the colors!

  10. what a great idea! i've never seen this before.

  11. Holy Cow that is huge! What great fabrics.

  12. I love the bag bag. The colours are wonderful. Don't former owners always leave hooks in the wrong places.

  13. your bag bag is the cutest. and i love the name.
