Monday, January 12, 2009

Project Improv

I know a lot of you are involved in Project Improv over at Jacquie's blog, Tallgrass Praire Studio, and I am too. See the button I have over on the left hand column? Go on, have a's right there, underneath my blog archives...see it now? Ok, now click on it - it will take you over to Jacquie's post where you can read all about it.

A brief rundown, in case you didn't click on the button (will you just do it already!) is that each participant will make a quilt - any kind, any size, but we aren't allowed to use a pattern. We need to just do it 'improv' style - you know, wonky log cabins, houses, stars, whatever we feel like, but we pretty much have to just make it up as we go along, and try something new in the process. I haven't decided yet what I am going to make, but I do know my 'something new' is to incorporate solids. I really don't do solids, but I just love the way that Jacquie uses them, so I bought some over the weekend and we will see what happens!

Now, another important part of Project Improv is that each participant (there are over 100 of us - wow!) is to make a 12.5" log cabin block and they will all be made into charity quilts. We got to choose which colors we would do it in - aqua/red, orange/pink, or green/blue. I chose orange/pink, and made my block last night. And just so you can see how much snow we have, I also took a photo of the block from far far away....can I just say right now how much I love our snowblower?!
Now if you saw my kitchen you would know I love orange, and after making my block last night, I am leaning towards doing an orange/pink quilt for my project to put in the kitchen. There have been many changes in my kitchen this last week which I still need to blog about - it's coming, I promise! I am 11 days into my goal now. I even sewed today already - I fixed a zipper in a friend's hubby's pants. I know, it's not quilting, but it's still sewing!


  1. Great block! I love the orange and pink combination! And it looks so pretty in the snow!

  2. I love the idea of make it up as you go. That really sounds like me!!! Also love those colours you have chosen. Oooh the snow. It looks nice, but I did live in the UK for 11 years and I was over it by year two I think!!!

  3. it's fabulous!!!! i so love how you combined the colors...all the polka dots and fabulous fabric and it looks GREAT in the snow. i love snow!! thanks for the kind words...i'm still thinking about my many ideas.

  4. Love your block. Are pink and orange great together. I chose them also. Great minds must think alike. Enjoy your snow! I don't have a snow blower unless you count teenage boys. They are also handy when it comes to snow removal.

  5. This will be fun to watch. The block is darling.

  6. wonderful idea! I really like your colors. what a fun project!

  7. Loved your blog!! Theres no so much snow here in spain, but you have to keep yourself warm under those beautiful quilts you make!!
    Congrats, and thanks a lot!!

  8. Your block is very cool. I like how you kept the pinks on one side and the oranges on the other. Never would have thought to do that;)

  9. Oh gosh, I am playing catch up here this morning! So many goodies to oggle. I love it all, especially your bag holder! What a wonderful job on that and also these pretty orange and pink quilt blocks! You wouldn't think those colours would go together, but they do beautifully!

  10. Your pink and orange block is so cute!! And your bag bag colors are so fun!!

  11. I orange and pink to decorate my kitchen and love it! We keep the walls neutral for my husband's sake but everything else has pops of color.

  12. Joanna, so nice to meet you:) Thank you for your sweet comments on my blog; your blog is a great find for me today. I can't wait to follow. Thanks for reminding me that I need to do my improv square. I look forward to quilting together. I think I'm
    and orange/ pink girl too. I hope mine turns out as beautiful as yours.

  13. Oooh, love the block. I love the colors you chose. It turned out great!

    SO glad you liked the cookies! They are so addictive... I'm really sorry. ;-)

  14. Wow, I love your skewed log cabin block. My sister and I took a class at a Joann's in Conn. in skewed blocks a few years ago and I have just loved that look ever since. Besides it's fun to do, isn't it?
    Good Colors too!

  15. It's such a cute block! Love those lighter pinks and oranges.
