Monday, March 9, 2009

Workshop results

I am pleased to report that the workshop was a success!! Turns out that most of the other participants knew each other already, but they couldn't have been any more welcoming to me. They made me feel like one of the group. It was great:)

We pulled names from a tin to determine whose quilt we would work on for each round. Then a technique was pulled from another tin. Our first round was 'flying geese'. It didn't matter how or where, but there had to be a goose in there somewhere! Everyone was very creative and we all had different geese. This was the round I did...
The next round was 'triangles'. Once again, it didn't matter where or how, but there had to be a triangle somewhere. I got the teacher's quilt, and thought it needed an inner border and some trees....
The third round was do whatever you want. I just did some scrappy strips and filled it in best I could - after 6 hours, fabric was running low at this point!

The teacher was Beth Helfter of EvaPaige Quilt Designs. She was so lovely and friendly - such a great teacher! She made everyone feel like nothing was wrong, the mistakes weren't dreadful, and it was OK to not be perfect! There were NO quilt police in our class, uh uh, no way :)

My quilt turned out completely different than I had ever imagined. For some reason I thought it would be done with lots of orange and would be perfect in my kitchen. Boy was I wrong!! Funny how complete strangers can't read your mind! BUT it will be just perfect for my daughter's pink room. I love it!

Here are some of the other quilts from the day. See if you can pick out the centers and each round....

Now go back to the photo of me holding my quilt - notice anything different? Huh huh?!! Oh yes, I am no longer a blonde, but have joined the ranks of brunettes. I do this every so often, (I think my real hair color is a lovely shade of boring mousy brown) so to me it's not that strange, but you should have seen the eyes of the kids I teach singing to in church yesterday. They just couldn't fathom how it happened! I pretended that I had no idea and thanked them for telling me :) Here'a a before and after, complete with zebra strip shower curtain...

See, not as much like my Dad with makeup on, right??!!! LOL!!


  1. HA! I noticed your hair before I even looked at your quilt!! And I LOVE the new header on your blog ~ so fabric-y fabulous!! Your quilt turned out absolutely adorable and I'm sure it will look great in your daughter's bedroom, if not it will look great in my house so you can just send it on over here!!! :D

  2. I LOVE LOVE your blog. You inspire me with great colors and great quilting ideas. I love your quilts, but what I really want to know is where you got that OUT OF THIS WORLD zebra striped shower curtain. I really really like it.

  3. Those quilts look great. Your hair is fab. I too am in the mousy department colourwise, but cannot pull off a darker colour. Yours however looks amazing!

  4. That was fun! So interesting to see the different borders! And you look great as a brunette...

  5. I love your hair.

    Brown is the COOLEST!!

    (Guess what color my hair is lol)

  6. That was really interesting...I've never been to a quilt workshop like was great to see all of the different quilts that came out of it!

  7. Fascinating workshop idea!
    Always fun to join other kindred spirits.
    Have a great week!

  8. Your class sounds fabulous. What a way to get the creative juices flowing. I bet your hair color change was a great shock for the kids. Aren't they funny. You look great. But you always did.

  9. What a fun idea that work shop is!!

    Maybe I'll get a group of friends together and do a similar one!

    Thanks for sharing ideas and pictures!

  10. Who are you and what have you done to my friend? GP is not going to like this sudden change of appearance. We had no warning...what's up with that? Now people are going to think you're the nanny. You don't match the blond-haired, blue-eyed children, LOL!

  11. You look very pretty as a blond or a brunette...and now you can tell us which as more fun. Thanks for sharing the pictures of the quilts. I just love it when everyone ends up with something that is uniquely thiers.

  12. It looks like you all had a lot of fun and got things done! And I love your hair both ways.

  13. Oh how I love knowing you found my class so fun and that I am lovely! :) Yours was my favorite quilt to work on and I love that you fit right in with us! LOVE your hair brown, too. It sets your eyes off perfectly.

  14. wow, you look so different with brown hair! I think it suits you. Did your choir believe that you really didn't know your hair had changed colour? That sounds too funny. Your quilt is beautiful and the class sounds like fun. I wish we had something like that here.

  15. The quilts are great and I love your hair. The kids in church story is really cute, children are so funny.

  16. how fun joanna! i love the hair!!!

  17. The quilts are so cute. I love them. The haircut and color is darrrrrrling! ;-) (there is that word again!). Really cute. I love the length, too.

  18. Awesome quilts! you should open up a shop on Etsy Im a blog stalker... hope you don't mind!

  19. Adorable...I meant the quilts and the hair! I could look at your banner all day long...what line of fabrics is that? Your dad I'm sure is so proud to have a daughter that looks like the eyes only! You're so lucky to have so many readers.

  20. Blonde or brunette, I think you're beautiful anyways, and so very talented! I love your quilts! You have a fantastic eye for colour and design!

  21. Hey J, how ya doing??? your hair is very cute;) Looks like you had a lot of fun at your workshop;)

  22. A little late but boy, I really think that brunettes have more fun anyway! You look great but it really changes your looks!

  23. No chance of me attending any workshops over here since I don't even speak the language (really too difficult for my ld brains!). I do like the brunette look! I'm a brunette too (ha! ha!)
