Thursday, April 2, 2009

What once was lost is now found...

I know, I know, here I am once again apologizing for being so absent of late. I have been desperate to post, but I lost my camera, and a post without photos frankly is just not that much fun!

I have been searching for my camera, turning the house upside down to no avail. Finally, today, I thought I'd ask my kids if they knew where it was. My 4 year old, Joaquin, said, "Oh yes - it's in my backpack in the basement". He has a speech delay, so you can just imagine what a good sentence that was for him, and how cute he sounded saying it! So I look in the basement, and sure enough, the backpack is down there, in the toy box, with my camera in it! Woo Hoo!! Joaquin is the child in our family who can find anything - you just need to ask, and it took me a couple of weeks to think of asking him! Next time I lose something I will make sure to just ask him first :)

On top of all that, my hubby had surgery to get his gall bladder out. Finally, after 2 long years of attacks, he is pain free! So you can see, my time has been taken up by things other than quilting lately.

But I HAVE been doing a little bit of quilting these last few weeks, and have still kept up my goal to sew every day. Firstly, this wonky log cabin framed with a gorgeous Kaffe print. It will live in my kitchen when it's finished.

Remember these blocks? Well here they are finally sewn together. Now I just need to decide what else to do with them - ie should I add something else? A border? A border with some applique? Words....such as 'Welcome'? Any ideas? Anyone?!! I am just drawing a blank. Part of me thinks that I should just finish it up as it is and be done with it. But then another part of me thinks that it needs more - that just plain blocks serve no purpose. Does that make sense??

So anyway, my design wall right now looks like this... I really need to do something fun with those houses!


  1. Well, I don't know what to tell you to add, I think they look fantastic! Those houses will make a cute something or other. :-D

  2. Glad you found your camera. How we find anything with children in the house is always a challenge!
    Love the Kaffe fabrics.

  3. Glad your husband is feeling better. I think your quilts are beautiful and will look perfect in the kitchen. The house blocks look great in the vertical arrangement that you have it in. Would be a cute wall hanging. A border would be good for the wonky blocks. Hope this helps.

  4. Sometimes it's best to just let things 'soak' for a while if you're not sure where to take them. I find doing it that way gives the top more time to talk to me. The wonky log cabins look great.

  5. Glad your hubby is pain free. Happy you have your camera again and that we get to hear from you now. Love the quilt for your kitchen. The houses are adorable. Sorry no help with the wonky cabins. They are cute though.

  6. The children always know!!! Those houses are just too cute...can't wait to see what you do with them!

  7. I think adding a narrow (1.2 block width) scalloped border would add some interest to it. Or make a totally different set of blocks (like ohio stars or rail fence) to make a larger quilt.

    I am sure you are proud of Joaquin and that sentence! I know I would be!

  8. I'm so glad you found your camera! Looks like you could combine your house blocks and your wonky log cabins for a great quilt. I think some words would be good too. I like the idea of Welcome...maybe Welcome Home.

  9. glad to see from you. You have been missed. Grandma

  10. Ah yes, the missing camera sinerio...been there done that and it's not fun. I gave in and bought a new one. Your quilts are great! You've been very productive espically with everything you've had going on...and keeping up with your goal to sew every!!! Keep up the good work!

  11. Sometimes it pays to ask the kids! LOL
    Glad you found your camera and can share your wonderful work once more.

    As for what to do next with your projects...I think I can safely say that you wouldn't want my opinion as we don't quite have the same aesthetic! LOL

  12. cute picture !
    looks like he is so happy that he knew where it was!
    Love the blocks and hmmm have to think about it but like the idea of words, and well welcome always a good choice. I agree with you don't just finish it up , let it sit for another week or two the right idea will come to you

    glad your DH is feeling better, must have been 2 long years for him

  13. Very Adorable! Love that wonky look.
    Great job. In the basement...hysterical!

  14. Colors never come out exactly right on here, but I actually like the look of the house with those blocks. Might make an interesting quilt if the houses were set in and among the blocks.

  15. I love those houses! So cute!
    I think they would make a cute quilt! I think I may have to try some of those!

    I'm glad you found your camera.

  16. Love the wonky cabin quilt,

    You have been so busy since my last visit to you,

    Take care

  17. Glad to have ya back. I too have been on a bit of a break, with no sewing to show for it though! Glad to hear Mr Applique Today is well now, I did wonder if that was why you had been quiet, but didn't want to ask. Glad the camera has come to light too. It is so annoying losing something, and I nearly lose my mind until I find a lost thing. : )

  18. Sorry I am so late to comment! BUT when I saw them all lined up it made me think of the women we love, the Collaborative gals, and I'd put them ALL together with some black and white prints, you know how they saw 10 colors is not enough and 100 can work? And a good name? Italian Ice! The girls and I frequent this little shop, the Moo, and it looks like Sarah Rose's favorite Blue Raspberry and Bubblegum flavors mixed. Luv Ya!
    ~anna in md
