Thursday, May 28, 2009

The Fabrics Audition

One of my very favorite parts of making a quilt is auditioning fabrics. It often takes me longer than the actual making of the quilt! But it sure is fun, so maybe I stretch it out longer than necessary??!

In the last post I showed you the new (free!) table I got, and the lovely weather. Well now it has been raining for 2 days with more to come, so I am glad we spent time outside while we could. I spent the afternoon outside auditioning fabrics and took a lot of photos of the process so you can see how my mind works!

This will be photo-heavy, so hold on people....

First I cut out a whole bunch of baskets and handles.And now I get to mix'n'match them!

Then I started with a pink handle...which basket would I choose to go with it? Most everything looks good with this pink handle...
Perhaps too much pink here...
oooh I do like these two together...

This one is just OK for me (sounding totally like Randy on American Idol there)...But which did I choose?? None of them! I had this very hard piece of basket fabric to match and it just didn't look right with anything - in other words, the fabric was so garish (probably why I love it so much) that it clashed with everything! But I put it with the pink handle and instantly knew they belonged together...Do I think the basket is the best for the pink handle? No - but I DO think the handle is the best pick for the basket, so they are now a married couple. Aaaawwww!

Next I tried a couple of options for this blue basket...the first you already saw above...This handle isn't strong enough to be a good match with the blue...
But when I saw it with the following handle, I knew I had a match...
Now for another hard to match basket. It's a gorgeous Heather Bailey fabric, but it's been oh so hard to find a good match for it. Once again, this handle isn't a strong enough match...2 garish fabrics do not always a good match make. Sometimes, but like this match, not often...
The yellows are too different to look good...
The handle is too soft and pretty to match the brighter basket...
Hmmm I really like this match, but I LOVED the handle with the blue farther above, so with the blue it will stay.

I am still searching for a love match for this basket. However, I did find the match for the same fabric as a handle, which was equally hard to match. Remember the pink?
And finally for today, here are the options for the pink/grey handle. As I mentioned a couple of times above, it's hard to put this handle with a very strong fabric, so let's see it with a variety of good and bad matches...This one is OK but doesn't make me want to sing...No. Just plain no...Oh gosh no!!!...
Getting better...Hmmm I like this one...But what did I pick?!! This...Though I reserve the right to change my mind to one of the other two good choices!

I hope this was helpful to someone. All I can say is try a hundred different fabrics if you have to, and when you find the right one, you will just know, and get that warm excited feeling inside! And most of all, you must pick what YOU love, not what you think others will approve of. This is a quilt-police-free-zone!


  1. Love the audition! It takes me forever to choose fabric. The first time I went to buy fabric for a quilt I spent the entire morning looking, took a lunch break and then went back to the store for the final choice! LOL. It doesn't hurt that I love fabric. ;)

    I am participating in the SewMamaSew giveaway, so if you get a chance stop by my blog and register.

  2. Thanks for posting all the pictures. It's so nice to see how others do this part. I love the basket shape with the curves instead of pointy. Post pictures as you go so we can keep up.

  3. I loved the audition too...and the post title! And it's so just KNOW when you have the combination you want!

  4. I watched a program on television Saturday morning where the lady was using fabrics similar to yours. It was interesting what she called a neutral. Very much like yours with the polka dots. I can tell you had fun playing.

  5. And when you put something together do you stand back, drop head to one side, put index finger to mouth. I do. Often added with a small mmmm? I often wonder if I see better with a tilted head?

  6. I love playing around with combinations, waiting for the one that will please the eye. I do love the baskets.

  7. That's kind of what I'm doing with the 9-patch one-a-day quiltalong that crazymomquilts is hosting. I start pulling 2.5 inch squares from my bin and putting them together and have loved some of the unlikely combinations the most!

  8. cute as pie...not a dud in the bunch!

  9. This choice of fabrics would drive me crazy with confusion! They are all so beautiful!

  10. I'm back! NZ (&/or Australia) is our dream country to be posted to, after 18 years of moving around! Thank you for the kind comments about my kids & for reading through old posts! That RV trip was very memorable! Come visit again! I'm very new to quilting!

  11. Cute baskets! I love them all.

  12. Thanks for sharing your thoughts about matching up fabrics - I like your choices. I am with you, I just love playing in my fabrics and its almost a dissappointment once I have all the fabs selected. Most of my quilting buddies are just the opposite and stress over fabric selection - so I am always pleased when I get to help them.

  13. I love to see your process! Thanks for stopping by my blog for sew mama sew giveaway day. Susan

  14. It was fun to see all the wonderful colors and fabrics you chose for the baskets.

  15. "Auditioning". Love that description of what we do when we put things together. The baskets are very sweet and your fabrics are lovely.

  16. Great pics, fun to see the way different fabrics audition. These are going to be gorgeous

  17. The fabrics are making me crazy with confusion! They are all so beautiful!

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