Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Today was a lovely day - not too hot, not too cold, so I decided to sit outside with the kids and some lemonade. And of course some quilting:) The rhododendrons at our house are in full bloom this week, so sitting outside is particularly pleasant. Until the bees come in another week or so to do their thing. Just in case you were wondering, thanks to the previous owners, we have a lot of rhododendrons. A lot!

Do you like my new table? I picked it up just this morning from the side of the road for free! I have been looking for a round table, just this size, for just this purpose. I really coudn't have found it at a better time. I am thinking of spray painting the metal base a fun color, and maybe tiling the top. But I do like the current smooth surface..any ideas on how to jazz it up a bit?This is what I could see from where I was sitting...

Anyone know what this little worm will turn into? We were sitting under our red maple and these were falling on the table like crazy. Blech!
I swear I didn't arrange this photo...my youngest boy brought the flower over to me and placed it right there, and said, "Here Mummy!" Talk about melting a mother's heart...
My Sofia had a shower and then joined me at the table with paper and pencil to draw quilt patterns. So Sweet!
Apart from taking in the floral beauty around me, I also did some basket fabric auditioning, so check back in the next couple of days to see that process. I think I may like it even more than the sewing part!


  1. Sitting under the shade of a big tree, beautiful flowers, lemonade, hearing the sweet sounds of children playing, and having applique by your side.... it doesn't get any better than that!
    What a lovely day!

  2. well I love the one next to the rhodo bloom & lemonaid with the polka dot ground, very vintage-y lookng; that one's a keeper. A postcard of a day.

  3. a budding young quilt designer huh, watch out! How wonderful to share your passion with your young uns!

  4. looks like a thoroughly lovely day. I love good finds. We have the inorganic collection once a year in Auckland, and I got a cane chair and coffee table, and a cool bedside table which I painted. You could always make a cool table cloth, with some little weights for if the wind gets up. to make the weights chuck some pearl barley or rice or something in a couple of fabric squares the same fabric/s as the cloth. Plop them on the table and your good to go! (Just an idea)

  5. What a lovely spot to sit and sew. I love how the baskets are coming along.

  6. When we moved to New Hampshire one of the comments we heard often was,
    "When there is a nice day you should get outside and enjoy it." A beautiful place, we lived there ten years. Hope you have been to Pickety Place, Frye's Measure Mill and the Covered Bridge shop.

  7. Diane, if you read this, I tried to email you and see your blog but could do neither - I'd love to know more about the places you mentioned as I haven't been to any of them!

  8. It looks so lovely there...wish I could have your weather right now...even for a week!

  9. Eeewww! I don't like worms falling down like that! I do like yr new table & I stop by the roads for such things too! In fact, my kids & I are renovating a wooden chair we found in a carpark, just last week! Lovely pics!

  10. It looks beautiful...

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