Thursday, January 28, 2010

Be Kind

OK I have failed miserably. My sewing every day goal lasted about 6 days, I am 2 mini quilts away from my 1 per week goal, and I felt so guilty about the whole thing that I didn't blog! It's a vicious circle isn't it folks?!

However, I am back with a renewed spirit. I have decided to give up on the sewing every day thing. It's too much pressure on myself, and I think I actually sew more without it, so next January 1st would you all remind me of that?!

Today I finally broke the sewing drought and made a little quilt. As you can see, it's called "Be Kind".

A few days ago someone very dear to me was faced with a decision and when I asked what I could do to help, they responded by saying, "Just be kind". I have thought about that simple statement all week, and how appropriate it is for so many situations. This week when I have been impatient with my children and wanted to yell at them, (you know we all want to sometimes!), I have remembered the words, "Be Kind" and it has softened my heart. As a result, we have had a very peaceful week. Makes you wonder who the problem's not the kids!
I thought it would be good to have a physical reminder of those words, so why not make a little quilt with them?! It's right in the hallway - I walk past it 100 times a day. I can't wait until the kids get home from school and the inevitable bickering starts - I will tell them to go and look at the new quilt in the hallway gallery and to follow what it says! So many possibilities! But mainly, it's a good reminder for myself.
PS I am IN LOVE with the Phillip Jacobs print I used for the border. I know his fabrics aren't every quilter's cup of tea, but they make me go weak at the knees :)


  1. This is a fabulous addition to the wall. I love it. I need one of these!! My youngest 2 go at each other too much.

  2. It's gorgeous! And the colors are perfect for your home. Kaffe would be proud!LOL! B=)

  3. I love it!! I'm a fan of Phillip Jacobs' fabrics too! Love those!

  4. This is darlin! I luv it! Well done!
    I hope the sentiment works at your house. If it does, I may have to do something similar here. (Anything to curb the constant bickering.)

  5. Two words. Big impact. Love it. So simple really and if everyone in the world would stop for a moment (in those yucky moments) and took a breather and thought about it, wouldn't there be so much peace. Its lovely Joanna. Really lovely!

  6. What a terrific idea--and so beautifully carried out!

  7. Everytime I see the words Be Kind...I think Re-Wind..kind of strange I know but it always gives me a chuckle

  8. Great statement, and perfect for the wall. We all need to be reminded everyday to be kind.

  9. I am touched by the way you took something so meaningful to you and made it into something pretty that will help you remember and also spreads the thought around to others. It kind of sets a tone, doesn't it?

  10. Love your collection of quilts on the wall! Your "Be Kind" one fits in beautifully!

  11. Wonderful idea! Always good to have a visual reminder, and yours is so bright and cheery how could one not be kind.

  12. What a beautiful reminder.....not only to you but to everyone who enters your home.
    Take care.

  13. That is just fantastic! I need to make one for my big girl's bedroom wall, actually the little girl's could use the reminder too, oh and the adults too, yep well maybe I should just write it on a piece of paper and stick it too the tele?!

  14. Hi there, I'm a new follower of your blog. Just found it through another blog I follow. Go figure! :) I love your posts AND your quilting, thrifting ideas. So much fun!

    p.s. I've added this mini Be Kind quilt to my lofty new year list. Love it!

  15. It looks so nice and I do love your fabrics! Now you remember to Be Kind to yourself too!

  16. I love it, I think you've made a very fabulous wall quilt.

  17. this looks so cute, I love your wall so far!!!!
    keep going
    my goal is one little quilt a month, if its more its a bonus!!!!
    love the BE KIND wall hanging...
    and the flower pot in the hoop, just perfect love the fabrics...

  18. I am having an affair with Philip Jacobs, too, Joanna - you have a lovely blog!
    Hugs - Lurline♥

  19. your wall looks great! what an inspiration! Maybe I'll start a collection of little quilts!

  20. Oh your wall of little quilts is so inspiring! Just found your blog and I'll be happy to visit often!

  21. Great words! They make a pretty little wall decoration. Love your cheery fabrics.

  22. I love it, I think you've made a very fabulous quilt wall ...
    You have a lovely blog..
    enjoy reading it.
    Julia ♥

  23. This is teh first time I have seen your blog. I am impressed. Beautiful work. I will be back! Lizzie

  24. Hellooooooo.....anybody out there?????? We miss you; throw us a bone already! LOL!

  25. I think most women need a sign like that in their home as a reminder to be kind to themselves. The colors are so joyous and bright !

  26. So glad to see you are back. I love the Be Kind mini quilt. Great reminder to all of us. I also like the Phillip Jacobs fabric. I think I have some of that in my stash.

  27. Hellooooooo......we miss your crafty show and tell .... come back sooooon!
