Saturday, January 30, 2010

The latest

This is my latest quilting project...I bet some of you can tell what it is! Hint...I'm not doing it quite the same as the rest (of course)...


  1. Oh I've been drooling over those! I am too chicken to try one of my own.

    I LOVELOVELOVE your fabric choices.

  2. Looks like a great start. I'll be interested in seeing your variation.I was going to make one, but just couldn't get started because of other projects, so now....

  3. I totally agree with Lisa, I'm too chicken to start. But the ones I have seen are beautiful. Certainly a future heirloom quilt.


  4. Looks like you are getting ready to do a Joseph's Coat, and I see some beautiful Kaffe's.

  5. Ohh I know what your doing! I'm not brave enough either! It seems to take me 3 or 4 times as long as most people to produce a quilt, could you imagine how long one of those would take me eek!

  6. Oh, my! That is going to be gorgeous!!! I can't wait to see what approach you take. :)

  7. HMMM...not sure what that is. Looks kind of funky though... sea dollars of some sort???? C'mon...tell us what you're making, you know you want to... give it up....I might need to make one too, LOL!=)

  8. Um not being a quilter (as you know) I dont know what its going to be, but I love the colours, and you will make a fabulous job of it, because thats what you do!! :0)

  9. I feel better that I'm not the only one w/o a clue. LOL! The fabrics look gorgeous.

  10. Show us more! Your very own version of Joseph's Coat huh?

  11. Am new to blogging and on a journey to renew the quilter I used to be. Your blog is very inspiring and I LOVE your color/fabric choices. That particular quilt is so very challenging. Kudos to you!

  12. I'm interested in seeing how you put it together because I'm not a fan of the normal way either! LOVE your colors!

  13. The fabrics are beautiful but this looks hard!

  14. Hooray for you. I'll look forward to seeing your variation.

  15. Hi Joanna, i started this project too but alas... that is where it is.... started! love your fabrics!

  16. I can't guess, but I certainly love the fabrics.

  17. Greetings from Bavaria, Germany !
    Your fabrics are great ! What are you doing with them ?


  18. Oh my gosh that fabric is the best...can't wait to see more.
    Have a great rest of the weekend,

  19. I'm not sure what you are making, but I love the fabrics. Can't wait to see more.

  20. I can't wait to see the finished quilt!
    I love your blog. I am new to this thing called Blog Land, and am lovin' every minute of it.
    Keep up the beautiful work!

  21. Why oh why oh why do I read these kinds of posts. They just make me drool...which makes a mess...followed by envy...which makes me blue!

    Lovely looks like this will be a lovely appliqued quilt?

  22. You have chosen beautiful fabrics. I have directions printed for the quilt along but wondered if you could share what technique you're using to turn under the edges please.
