Friday, January 21, 2011

Applique pillow

I dug out an old project tonight to turn into a pillow. OK, so it's from November and not really that old! Do you remember this project? I had completely forgotten about it and was excited that with a minimum of work I could turn this into one of my 6 pillows! Unfortunately I didn't decide to do this until an hour ago, and I only got some basic outline quilting done, so I'm just going to show you the back!
It's in a very raw state, but at least you can see where I'm headed. Hopefully it will get finished up tomorrow and I can show you the whole thing!

Something I did want to show you tonight is some mail I received today. The good kind - not a bill or a solicitation, but a prize I had won from the Sew Mama Sew giveaway week!Violet of Violet Craft Designs sent me an entire kit to make one of her bags! Now she didn't ask me to say anything about it, but I was so impressed with what she sent that I just want to show you. She sent me all the fabric I need for it, the strap, the clasp, the D-rings, the pattern, the fusible batting (love that stuff!!!) and my very favorite thing, the leaves, pre-cut and pre-fused!
Yippee!! I am SO excited to make this bag, and will definitely show you my progress as I go. It shouldn't take too long with half the work already done for me! Thank you Violet! I won a few different things from the Sew Mama Sew Giveaway week and will show them to you as I use them. There are a lot of generous crafters out there, and hopefully I can participate in their next one.


  1. congrats on the bag prize. Looking forward to seeing it finished!

  2. A great prize! I look forward to seeing your bag. :-)
