Saturday, January 22, 2011

Busy busy

Just a quick post tonight. I only did a little bit of stitching today, working on an applique center for a pillow...Most of my day was taken up making this...What is it you ask? It's a birthday chart for the Primary Children's organization at our church. Keeping track of birthdays is just so much more fun when your face is on a candle stuck in a cake, right?! After hours of printing, cutting, laminating, pasting and sticking, it's finally done. Since everything is laminated, it will be easy to replace faces as the children and teachers come and go. These kind of things always take a long time to make, but the payoff is once it's done, it's done, and hopefully you won't have to make it again for many years!


  1. I ♥ Primary and I love your birthday chart! I also love your blog ♥. Thanks for sharing.

  2. What a clever idea - those birthday cakes for calenders.
    The applique pillow looks interesting...

  3. That's a terrific chart. Great idea for teachers as well. Awesome job!
