Sunday, January 23, 2011

Pillow number 3

I am short on words tonight as I have only 10 mins to meet my midnight deadline. So enjoy the photos!

I love my hubby! He is so cute!


  1. Great pillow! So artistic.
    I thought at first that your husband had a funny hat on his head. See bottom photo. Haha. He looks like he wouldn't mind me saying that. I hope I'm right.

  2. He SURE IS cute !
    I was just telling my hubby today that I could really use more SMILES around here during this winter dreariness !

    What a happy fellow !

  3. Wonderful. You really have a gift for applique.

  4. I love your blog and keep it up. Sometimes photos are all you need. The bag looks wonderful and I am doing pillows for birthday presents.
