Saturday, April 30, 2011

Mini Leaves DONE!

Tonight I sewed on the binding to my mini leaves quilt, the companion piece to this big one. Here are the two of them together. You can easily see the size difference...

And the mini one alone...

It has now been added to my wall of quilts...

Believe it or not, I might possibly be getting a little bored with my wall of quilts. I'm wondering if I should take them down and move them to another location or keep adding to it. Decisions, decisions! Stay tuned :)

1 comment:

  1. Of course you would get bord with your wall-o-quilts! Maybe you should put them on the ceiling to change it up? Or you could put them under a great coffee table with a shadow box top? Or you could move them to the kitchen or hang them in the wall nook above your milk glass??
