Friday, April 29, 2011

One Hour Friday

Wow what a busy day I've had, but I couldn't forget about my One Hour Friday project and post!

I decided to just reach my hand into my scrap bucket and sew together whatever I pulled out. For some reason I had triangles in my mind, so I cut the first piece (the pink one in the middle) into a triangle, and just kept adding more and more until I had a big triangle. Then I had no idea what to do with it, so when in doubt, make a pincushion! Hey I only had one hour, my options were limited!

I filled it half with poly pellets and half with stuffing. The result is a very LARGE pincushion that can also double as a pattern-holder-downer!

Or a head cushion for a tired girl who dutifully got up at 5.30am today to watch the Royal Wedding with me!

Yes the pincushion is the biggest one I've ever seen. Big enough to really use as a pillow!

Now, the reason for our tiredness? We spent the day at a water park!

Fancy a bucket of water dumped on your head? Or rather, your entire body?

No? Then how about a ride down a lazy river...

It was SO much fun, and I even went down one of the big water slides. I figured it's been about 25 years since I've been on one, so it was well overdue! The slides are at the top of these stairs...

It was a LONG way down and terrifying and thrilling all at the same time!

I have 3 very tired children asleep as I type, and I am rather weary myself so until tomorrow, thanks for reading:)

My little girl blogged about our day at the water park here if you'd like to read a ten year old's version!


  1. Now that's what I call a pincushion on steroids - LOL! It very cool. Love the water park pics, but boy those places wear a body out! Take care-

  2. The pincushion looks beautiful dressed with it,s pins
    Happy children!!!!--cottonreel

  3. Well, it will hold a lot of pins. I love how bright and happy it is.
    The water park looks like loads of fun.

  4. "Pattern Holder Downer" hehehe, love the technical language :D Actually, I'm pretty in love with the colour combo - awesome!
