Sunday, May 22, 2011

And block number 3 is....

...Rhubarb! This is only the cut out fabric so far, nothing has been stitched down yet, but you will see where I'm going with this...
It will look completely different when appliqued down. Those thick veins will be skinny little things and the whole block will transform!

Why rhubarb? Because it reminds me of my mother. She always had rhubarb growing in her garden and one of my Dad's favorite desserts was stewed rhubarb and ice-cream. When I was young and newly married I thought I would cook up some rhubarb just like my Mum, so I cut it up, put it in the pot with some sugar and water and turned on the heat. Only problem was I thought I'd be clever (big mistake!) and cook it in a pressure cooker! Of course I had no idea how the pressure cooker worked, and next thing I know I had hot sticky rhubarb shooting out the top like a fountain and onto the kitchen ceiling! Now that was a mess to clean up!

Now that I've told you an embarrassing cooking story it's your turn!


  1. Yummy rhubarb. Funny that you should write about it today. My mum also always had rhubarb in her garden and we ate lots of it when we were in Switzerland recently. It's available here as well but it's so expensive, that I never buy it (probably flown in from Australia or the US).

  2. Oh, I am loving your blocks! I may have to do something along these lines for my mom and grandma. My Grandma grows rhubarb every year. She makes the best rhubarb cake. I can't wait to see it when it's done!

  3. I have rhubarb in my garden and I cook it regularly, especially with apples.
    Once I cooked rhubarb with salt instead of sugar! I will never live that one down! lol

  4. I had an exploding haggis when young married - popped it in a cassrole without pricking the skin - when ready and inserting a knife it exploded everywhere - my cats loved it!!

    PS Have rhubarb in my garden too - I love it.

  5. Haha! That is an awesome cooking story. And that's how you learn the best, by making silly mistakes. :) Love the new block.
