Monday, May 23, 2011

Rhubarb Done

I spent a couple of hours this morning appliqueing the rhubarb down. I have done so many round shapes lately (think oranges and lemons!) that the irregular shapes of the rhubarb applique were a real treat for me to do.
See how different it looks with the edges turned under? I tweaked it a little bit, moving the pieces around and choosing a different fabric for the lighter ends. I especially like the skinny veins...
I asked my hubby what he thought it was before I appliqued it down and he immediately said, "Trees". I had to agree with him! Once it was all done however, he did say it looked more like rhubarb. Gotta love a man who tells you what he knows you want to hear!


  1. yes, trees also came first to my mind, even when I saw the block yesterday, not yet sewn down. But as soon as I read rhubarb it made perfectly sense. Well done.

  2. I LOVE that rhubarb....of course, you know the leaves are poisonous. It is such a wonderfully tart and sour addition to pies and desserts. I like what you did with the end 'caps' of the stalk. ~a

  3. I LOVE that rhubarb....of course, you know the leaves are poisonous. It is such a wonderfully tart and sour addition to pies and desserts. I like what you did with the end 'caps' of the stalk. ~a
    ps I logged in the right way, so I cut and pasted this and posted again.

  4. I love your rhubarb, I love the real thing too. This applique reminded me of Kaffe Fassetts chard fabric from years ago.

  5. Hi!
    Greetings from Venezuela. I always visit your blog, and I love it. Hugges and kisses.

  6. Love the rhubarb!!! I love cooking with rhubarb too, apple and rhubarb crumble especially! xo

  7. Oh, I have really enjoyed seeing your garden blocks. I especially like this one. Such fun fabrics you are using.
