Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Block Number 4

Can you tell what it's going to be?
If you guessed a bowl of strawberries, then you would be correct! As you can see, I haven't arranged the pieces yet. This is just how it looked after ironing all the pieces. You can see on the right is a little jug of cream. After all, you MUST dip your strawberries in cream, right?!

However, I'm not sure I like the blue. I originally had a vision of a blue willow type of bowl, but didn't think it would fit the feeling of the quilt, so I cut out the green bowl first from Heather Bailey fabric.
Then I thought I'd just see how the blue looked. I like it in person, but seeing it in the photos it seems a bit busy. Which do you think works better? Blue, or green, or something else, and if something else, what do you suggest? Perhaps something bolder and simpler? I think I'll play around with it a bit more in the morning and see what happens!


  1. I like the blue, but am partial to blue so that might not be right. I keep thinking something with yellow....

  2. I think they would both look nice, but I like the green better. I'm very excited to see it when it's done!

  3. They both look nice but I am partial to the green one. Looking forward to seeing what you choose.

  4. Gorgeous! The second block is good cause you have both the green and the blue in there! I too am partial to the blue, but the green is so pretty too. Not much help am i?!!! xo

  5. If the blue was to be on the fabric as it is in the photo then I think it is a bit busy and I like the green better... but photos don't always do things justice. Go with the one you like best!!

  6. The blue. Blue Willow is one of my favorites and the contrast with the red is good.

  7. I love the background fabric, the blue, green dots. Could you tell me the name?
