Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Lemons Done + Fabric

Today there were two finishes in my house - my friend Michelle who started quilting her quilt yesterday, finished the quilting. I can't believe how fast she did it - I tell you, Jukis are awesome machines! The second finish was my lemon block...

I went back to Joann's Fabrics today to get some more of the Denise Schmidt fabric for the background. Sadly our Joann's only has a few bolts of the collection, perhaps 8 in total. The plaid print from the collection made its way home with me too.

My idea is to perhaps use it as a sashing or border for the fruit and vege quilt, but we shall see. I just like to keep my options open! I'm quite disappointed that the plaid print isn't printed on the straight of grain of the fabric. When you are paying $10/yard for quality fabric, it would be nice if it was on the straight of grain! Some very creative maneuvering will need to be done when I cut into it.

Lastly, refrigerator art is alive and well in our house. Remember when I showed you the economics equation my hubby did on it the other night? It obviously put ideas in the kids' heads, because this is the latest on the fridge...


  1. My solution to plaids not printed straight is to cut them on the bias and use the bias as borders, etc. You have to be a little more gentle with them so they don't stretch but add a lot of movement to a piece.

  2. Your refrigerator art gave me an idea...what about using it to practice free motion quilting motifs??? I'm off to the kitchen to take the calendar and magnets off my fridge!

  3. So in love with your lemon block! Great fabrics in that one!

  4. Love your lemons and oranges. Apples next? Or maybe kiwi or mangos...Love IT!

  5. Loving these fruit blocks! You will have to write a pattern for these ones you know! xo

  6. Your fruit blocks are adorable. Found your blog surfing this evening and enjoyed looking at your quilts.

  7. Love your bowl of lemmon and orange. I woud love to see a bowl of green lime too :o))
