Monday, May 16, 2011

Quilting Amy Butler

I had a friend, Michelle, over today to use my sewing machine for her first ever free motion machine quilting experience. She made the most beautiful quilt top for her little girl completely from Amy Butler's Midwest Modern fabrics.

Here's the kicker - it's queen size! I told her that if she wants to start by quilting a queen size quilt then anything else will be easy! So she practiced on some scraps first and then she was off!

She did a fantastic job and got almost half of it done. Not bad for her first time machine quilting! Even her stitches are looking good...

This is why I am in love with my Juki. It makes machine quilting a breeze, even for a first-timer.


  1. She is DEFINITELY ambitious. Good for her! The colors look divine. ~a

  2. so does the JUKI have a bigger opening for machine quilting. It looks like it's bigger than my Bernina!

  3. You must be a great tutor! I have tried to teach my self via You Tube and books but I just cannot co-ordinate to get those lovely curvey lines. Your friend has done a great job. The quilt is beautiful.

  4. Wow- that is awesome. You totally got me thinking about buying a Juki eventually- after I read what you had told Monet. What about quilting gloves? I think those help a lot when quilting.

  5. Go Michelle!! It is so perfect for her little gals room too. CUTE! FYI, Joanna is a great tutor, I highly recommend her!

  6. Hi Joanna. You are such an inspiration. I am considering purchasing the Juki. What model are you using? Any advice on where I can find the best deal and what to look for in accessories, etc. Thanks. Kyna

  7. Thank you for your nice comments, and thank YOU Joanna! As if it weren't enough that you let me use your machine, you also watched and fed my kids while I was there! Awesome machine and awesome tutor!
