Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Shopping Day

I was feel quite happy with myself just a few minutes ago, thinking that even though we've been out all day, that I'm home in time to get my blog done before midnight. Except I forgot that I'm now on Mountain time and my blog is set to Eastern time, so it's way after midnight back in NH! Oh well, I do what I can, and since I'm in Utah, I'll go with Utah time. If none of that made sense to you, ignore it, and read on!

My MIL and I (and Sofia!) spent the entire day out running errands, and of course some of those errands included quilt shops! I was a very good girl and didn't go too crazy, but I bought some yummy fabrics, some older ones on clearance, and some brand spanking new ones. Tonight I just have a photo of them in their bags for you, but tomorrow I'll do proper photos in the daylight.
I hope you are all having some fun quilty times!

1 comment:

  1. Ooo...looks like you found some yummy goodies at the quilt shop. A nice assortment!

