Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Accu Quilt Go Cutter

Even though my mother-in-law isn't exactly a spring chicken, she loves to keep up with the latest goings on in the quilting world. Last year she bought the original large Accu Quilt machine, and ALL the dies that go with it! If you are familiar with it, you know what a monetary investment that is! My MIL is all or nothing when it comes to quilting. Gotta love it!

So we arrive here a few days ago and she shows me her latest toy - the new Accu Quilt Go Baby cutter...

and of course, once again, ALL the dies that go with it!
Here are just a couple...
She took it down to the quilt group today and we had a play. The Go Baby is small and portable so it worked out great. It's also so easy to use that even 10 year old Sofia played and had success!
See? I told you I had the best MIL!


  1. You are so lucky!! Does she need another daughter?

    Deb from Nebraska

  2. Sophie looks like she's in heaven! I also see a twinkle in her eyes that says she wants one...be careful now!!!!

  3. Can I adopt your Mother in Law please??? How fabulous you can get all pieces cut for you, can't believe someone has both the GO and the Baby AND all of the dies... WOW. Linda

  4. What an inspiring holiday you are having!! And neat for the kids to see their grandparents--well worth the drive!!

  5. ....hey make sure you cut out 2 quilts at least while you are there! Love that dragonfly. ~a
