Monday, July 25, 2011

Surrounded By Fabric

Tonight I am staying at my Mother-In-Law's house. I know that for a lot of you, the thought of staying with your Mother-In-Law is just not on your list of fun things to do, but I really hit the Mother-In-Law jackpot...not only is mine lovely and kind, but she's a quilter!

Her house is full of fabric. For most people this would seem strange, but to me...hmmm, not so much! I sit on her couch, look to the left, and I see this...
I look to the right, and I see this...
Tomorrow we are going to her quilt group and I'm excited to revisit with friends I met there 12 years ago as a fresh off the boat Kiwi in the US. I'm sure more photos will come tomorrow!


  1. You are the LUCKIEST quilter in the world!! I wonder if my house will eventually look like that? hee-hee!

    Deb from Nebraska

  2. Oh boy did you hit the jackpot when you got married.
    By the by you are also one lucky kiwi as here in NZ things are soooo cold and snow has fallen over both islands.

  3. You are extremely lucky. If I sit on the couch in MIL's living room, I would see cat to the left, cat to the food bowls in front... (you get the picture LOL)

  4. How cool is that! I also had a wonderful mother-in-law who loved to sew and quilt and we shared that common bond until she passed away. It was great!

  5. Nothing like feeling at home at your MIL's. Glad to hear you got a good one, mine was as crazy as the work day is long, ;-)

  6. If your in Utah.... then yes!!! you are in Heaven... or at least part of it! We have a lot of quilters/sewers around here. And lots of women that have fabric all over the place. Being a member of the LDS church we are taught that we should have a 2 year supply of food... and other items. My dear husband says that we have more fabric in our home than food! So I just tell him that "if" we ever run outta food... I will trade for the people that are running outta fabric/clothes! LoL... have a great visit!
    Oh, I have hopped over from Cabbage Quilts!

  7. Your works are very beautiful.
    I congratulate.
    Have a good day
