Friday, August 5, 2011

Ice Cream and 1 Quilt

We had a TON of fun today at a place here in Utah called Planet Play. It's a pizza buffet with arcade games, mini golf, bumper cars and laser tag. It was so fun we spent 6 hours there!

First we started off with lunch. Remembering that it's a pizza buffet, look at what our 6 year old ate...
Yep, no pizza, just two plates of this! We are after all, in Utah, the Jello capital of the world!

They had an ice cream eating contest and the boys of course entered...

And guess who won?!
Woo Hoo! Our Coleman! He won tickets to turn in for prizes....
This was followed by a dance contest where everyone who entered won a $5 balance on their card to use in the arcade. Well worth entering!
Now just to keep this quilty, I didn't see any quilts there, (shocking, I know!), but I do have one I've been wanting to show you. The other night we visited some friends, one of which is making a quilt.
She is only 21, and completely designed this herself on a piece of paper, somehow figured out how to cut and piece all those curves, and it even lays flat! That's some true talent right there! Look at how small and awkwardly shaped those green shapes in the middle are. Just amazing! Keep it up Tasha!

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