Friday, August 5, 2011

Family Time

I've done quite a few quilty posts lately so today is a family one!

We had a very fun and exciting day today because we spent it with family, but this time it was MY family! (We have fun and exciting days with my hubby's family too!) I just hardly ever get to see any of my family, but I have a cousin from NZ here in Utah, and she has a daughter the same age as our Sofia. Needless to say they were beyond excited to see each other after 3 years! And boy oh boy they are two peas in a pod - just look at them...

And all the cousins we ever miss these guys!
My boys really needed haircuts, and my cousin's hubby offered to give them haircuts. One was happy about that...
And one was not!
After dinner we lit up the firepit...
and made s'mores! Yummmmm!

Best part of the day? Not being the only one who talks with a funny accent, and being understood - my cousin talks just like me! I love it! We'll get to see them again in a couple of days, so maybe then I'll remember to take a photo of my cousin!

1 comment:

  1. Those really are the best times. I miss my cousins very much, and the times we had together. Now, all grown up, and some even have children. But boy, did we have fun!!!
