Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Applique Done, Purchases, and Scissors

I finished up the applique I started two nights ago earlier than I was expecting. Now I want to do some embroidery on the block to make it a little fancier than it is right now. Perhaps some stamens on the flowers and veins on the leaves...
I mentioned yesterday that I bought some things at a quilt shop. I had 15 mins and I was in and out in less than that! When I am a woman on a mission I can be fast! I bought some yummy bits of fabric and an even yummier stack of wool
...Love those colors!

Have a look at what may be the most unusual purchase of my trip...
A huge pair of decorative scissors! They must be about 20 inches long. Just to give you an idea of the size, here they are next to a hairbrush...
I think they'll decorate the wall of my quilt room quite nicely when I get home!

Now finally, and for your laugh of the day, have a look at a funny sign I saw yesterday...
It's even funnier when you see that it belongs to the flower shop!


  1. Love the wool! Scissors are cute. And some need to counsel big time before they purchase that bride or groom!


  2. Goodness, that pare of scissors are huge!!! Love it :-) !!!
    Pretty fabrics and wool.

  3. Your appliqué is pretty, and since I love embroidering or embellishing everything in sight, of course I think it would look even better with.....? You are right, the colour of those fabrics, and especially the wool combination, is gorgeous! are gorgeous?! The scissors ar fun too, and just LOVE the sign, its hilarious!

  4. I love your Applique quilt. Can't wait to see how you embellish it with embroidery.

    Those scissors are huge. Wow.

