Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Quilt Show Day

I was very excited to go to the Springville Art Museum's annual quilt show today. It is a juried show and not too easy to get into. The quilts are hung in a gallery setting and it's always a beautiful show. This year was no exception, and perhaps one of my favorite years!
I'll just show you some of the ones that appealed to me...
This one was by Brittany Burton, called Baby Love, and was done all in pink Kaffe fabrics. You know how I love me some Kaffe!
These next two are the same pattern, made by different people. Isn't it interesting how they can look different?

This was one of my favorites, Cinco de Mayo by Marilyn Toone, and I *almost* voted for it as my viewer's choice vote...

But in the end I had to vote for this one, Homw Sweet Home by Marianne Michaels, made from a Sue Spargo pattern. I don't vote for what is necessarily considered the 'best' quilt in the show. The way I vote is I pretend that I am allowed to choose any quilt to go home with me, and the one I would love to take home the most is the one that gets my vote! I fell in love with this one. Something about folk art patterns done in modern fabrics gets me every time!
I mean really, who can resist the birds, flowers, and leaves - with touches of velvet and wool. Gorgeous!
There was another exhibition on as well as the quilt show, which I think is worth mentioning. I thought it was a collection of bags and shoes, but it turns out they are actually ceramic! Look at this picture and see why I was fooled...
It's worth clicking HERE to see more!
We then went to a quilt shop opposite the show, called Corn Wagon where I saw another quilt I loved...
Turns out the maker of the quilt I voted for works there, so I was happy to tell them I voted for her quilt! Of course I bought a few things there, but I'll save that for tomorrow :)


  1. Those bags DO look real!!! Lovely quilts on show!

  2. Thank you for sharing the photos from the quilt show-- it looks just wonderful! I absolutely love that detail of the little blue bird. That's so cool that you got to meet the maker of the quilt that you voted for at the quilt shop!! Planning on mailing your Kaffe book today (I'm a great procrastinator-- but I'd like it to be there for you when you get back from vacation).

  3. great show and tell! thanks for the eye candy - wonderful quilt.

  4. Love the photos, the talent is amazing.chniesto
