Tuesday, October 25, 2011

I Believe Part Two

Tonight I have the rest of my Christmas quilt, "I Believe", to show you. I have such great memories of working on these blocks - of my confidence growing as I realized that this whole applique thing was not only a littler easier than I expected, but totally, completely enjoyable! I fell in love with needleturn on this project, and my thanks must go to Pat Sloan for creating a pattern that inspired me enough to want to learn.
My favorite two blocks here are the cookie jar and the tree with gingerbread men.

Pat's pattern didn't have the bowl and gingerbread men, but she encouraged us to be creative, so I used her bowl and gingerbread men from another of her patterns and incorporated it into this block. It was a complete eye opener to me that you could be creative and change things. To deviate from a pattern never entered my mind before, so that was a huge thing for me to 'get', and I haven't looked back since!

Coming up tomorrow...I'm off to the hairdressers in the morning to use up some of the credit I amassed sewing all those curtains. I'm thinking of going back to blonde. Perhaps something like this...
Hmm we'll see! (I couldn't resist the wig - $1 from the thrift store!)


  1. Gorgeous blocks, I love the gingerbread one a lot. Don't know about the locks, lol. perhaps you can bring it out at Halloween, you look like you're in disguise, chuckle.

  2. Lovely lovely lovely blocks! The cooky jar is a stunner!
    I like your "hair", but I don't think it is the right style for you :) I normally just let the hair dresser "play" - they come up with some great ideas.

  3. Isn't it wonderful when you finally understand that it is OK to deviate from the pattern and make it yours!

  4. The tree with the gingerbread men certainly is creative. I think I have the Pat Sloan pattern in my stash....along with many others.

  5. The blocks are lovely, and I look forward to seeing them in a quilt. I still have not been able to convince myself to try needle turn applique.
