Monday, October 24, 2011

My First Needleturn Applique

Today I was sorting through things in my quilt studio and came across something I had forgotten about - my very first needleturn applique project. How I had forgotten, I don't know, because it is so beautiful!

It is a Christmas quilt called, "I Believe" from Pat Sloan. You can find the pattern HERE. I was a member of her yahoogroup back in the day, and one year we all had a quilt-along making this particular pattern...

The fabrics are not what I would choose today. Back then, (about 2005 I think), I thought you had to stay as close to the original as possible. Boy have things changed since then! I still love the fabrics I chose, and I remember laboring for hours making my choices, auditioning fabric after fabric, but if I were to make it today, you better believe there'd be plenty of Kaffes thrown in there!

The snowflake block was my very first block.

I remember the ladies in the group saying it was the hardest, and if you could make this block then the rest would be easy. So I jumped in with both feet and went for it. Looking at it closely you can tell I was a beginner. Look how nothing in the middle of the flakes is positioned in a nice neat circle like it should be, and the points are all skewed...

I'll never undo it though - those were my first precious applique stitches, never to be repeated!

I got a little better by the next block, the sugarplum fairies, which is one of my favorites...

The circles are still not quite as round as they could be, but not too bad...
I remember buying this fabric for this particular fairy. I looked all over until I found the perfect one!

Then by the third block I was a pro! The points on the bird are so much better than the snowflakes...

I'll show you some more blocks tomorrow. I'm not putting this away again. Christmas is coming, and these blocks deserve to be made into a quilt!


  1. That is precious! My first quilt looks like that as well - start and finish didn't look the same :) Won't throw it away, nor redo it either. It is my first work - where I learned the most. So it is a reminder and I love it in my own strange way.
    Lovely work on your first applique project. What a long way we all have come!

  2. It looks absolutly gorgious Joanna and it is so beautiful done for your first should see mine ☺......i love yours! greetings Francien.

  3. I am blown away by your skill... Really your first needleturn project???

  4. I would have called them angels but the Sugarplum Fairies are so cute. Very prim style. And such cute dresses they have on.

  5. It sure is fun finding some of your early projects and seeing those early stitches. Those fabrics still look great and how nice to have an almost finished project to have ready this year.

  6. But the best part is that I met you on that group! We were kindred spirits. You were good back then even, much better with your first than some of my "advanced" students. Shhh! Don't tell them I said that. Hee, hee.
