Monday, October 31, 2011

Night Three

Yesiree folks, this is night 3 without any power! Can I mention again how thankful I am for a gas stove and hot water! Chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast is better than we have WITH power!

We went out for a bit today, did a little shopping, played at the park, (it was warmer outside than in), then went to the YMCA for a few hours (ok, until it closed at 10pm!) to swim, get warm, and charge up my phone and laptop. We just came home and I made hot chocolate by candlelight to warm our tummies before bed. The kids are having a blast at night. They love the power being out and using candles. It's the daytime that's a problem for them! On the agenda tomorrow, the library and maybe sledding. And I plan to get our power back on. Hey a girl can dream!

So sorry about the lack of quilting posts - not much of that is going on I'm afraid! I'll make up for it when we have power and I can actually see in my quilt studio in the basement!


  1. You are doing a wonderful job of making the best of it. We had a terrible ice storm a few years back and were in the same boat. I hope your power is restored soon.

  2. Sounds like you are making the most out of having no power though! Love hot chocolate on a cold night by the candle light =) Hope you get your power back soon too!

  3. I do hope your power is back on very soon.

  4. You are such a trooper. My fingers are crossed that your power comes back today.

  5. Oh my. I imagine the novelty is wearing off by now. Really hoping that you get power today and are able to stay warm!

  6. I've got my fingers crossed you get your power back soon. Last time that happened here we caught stinking colds just to add to the misery. Wrap up warm and take up residence at the 'Y' if need be.
    Good luck
