Tuesday, November 1, 2011

And Still It Goes On...

That's right, once again here I am sitting on my cold house blogging from my phone because it's now 4 freakin' nights without power! They say it should be back by Friday. Woo hoo only 3 more nights to go.

Still, we're making the most of it. We had two sets of neighbors and their kids over this morning for a yummy pancake breakfast. They were quite delicious - berries and white chocolate chips in the mix. I had frozen berries defrosting begging to be used, so why not?! We then did some cleaning, I read my Nook for a couple of hours which my lovely hubby had charged for me at work! We then went to our church building which has power to let the kids run around in the gym for a bit. 4 other families showed up! They didn't have hot water or working stoves so they showered and cooked while the children played. It was a great time!

Well my phone is blinking red now so I better post this before it dies. I hope you are all warmer than us wherever you are!


  1. At least the community is getting out and about now, and people are socialising. Better than staying in doors and being bored.
    Best of luck with the electricity, hope everything gets sorted out soon.

  2. So sorry Joanna, stay warm and hang in there!

  3. I hope you are keeping warm without your power! Those pancakes sound yummy!! My MIL came yesterday to stay with us-- she is still without power, too. Hope it comes back on soon-- in the meantime, I hope you continue to make the most of it and have fun with the kids!

  4. oooo! stay warm! we got barely a dusting here in upstate NY.

  5. Hang in there Joanna! I know its miserable when its so cold.

  6. Så tråkigt att Du ska behöva frysa.
    Här i Norden väntar vi på snö och kyla.Men än är det autum
    Hälsningsr fån Marianne

  7. So sorry you are still without power!! I hope it comes on soon. Thank goodness for church buildings!

  8. I am so sorry you don't have power but you are making memories with your children. I remember power outages when I was a kid and they are not bad memories but good memories to recount with my brothers and sisters. I am sure my parents didn't think it was so great though.
