Sunday, November 6, 2011

Happy Halloween!

Yes, I know it's a week late, but we have just finished trick or treating. When our power was out last week, the city decided to postpone Halloween. For some reason they thought children roaming neighborhoods in the dark with downed trees and power lines on the roads might be dangerous. Go figure. So tonight was the designated night. May I say it was the most anticlimactic Halloween ever! The kids barely talked about it all week because of course there was nothing on TV about it. (And we didn't have power to even watch TV for half the week!) And something about Halloween in November is just wrong. However, there was an upside to it - all the shops had their candy on sale for half price! Check out what the kids got...

see how many 'real' candy bars are in there? Hardly any lollipops and junk candy - it's all good stuff! Love those half price deals!

As for costumes, the kids changed their minds at the last minute. Of course. One said he was a zombie gardener?? The other wore the same big bird costume he's worn for the last 4 years, (That thing is getting mighty short in the arms and legs - time to retire it I think!) and our girl still went with 80's girl but modified it for the cold night air!
The other good thing about it being tonight is my hubby wasn't working so he was able to take the kids trick or treating. He even got in the spirit of things and donned my 80's rocker wig. Rock on!!!

As usual our neighbors were the hit of the street...

The kids are now in a sugar coma and I profusely apologize to all teachers in our city tomorrow...

Happy fake Halloween everyone!


  1. Ha! Your kids made out well on their trick or treating.

  2. Let R know that I think he has a new look for family time with that wig!
    Sophia looks pretty and the boys...well what can you say they are boys!
    Happy Belated Halloween

  3. Looks like they had fun! That storm sure was a strange one.

    Btw, love the zombie gardener idea - my 10 year old loves Plants vs. Zombies. :-)
