Saturday, November 5, 2011

Quilt Show Part II

Looking back on the quilt show yesterday, I can say it was actually a very good show. There was a little bit of everything for all quilters, but probably not modern quilters. There was a good mix of traditional, applique, and art/pictorial quilts. I didn't take too many photos as there wasn't a lot that spoke to me personally - there were a lot of absolutely beautiful traditional quilts as you can see here...
...but not too many that made me stop with my mouth open and think, "I HAVE to make that quilt!" Not the makers' fault - it's just my personal taste! I always look for something new, something I haven't seen before, something to inspire me, and new techniques. Here are a few I quite liked...

This first one was one of my two favorite quilts, and was a teacher's quilt by Sue Nickels and Pat Holly...

I particularly liked this triptych quilt...

I thought dividing the quilt into 3 separate pieces was an interesting technique I'd like to use.

This quilt just made me smile...

And this is the one I voted for as my viewer's choice...
Yes I know it's not the best quilt in the show. It doesn't have the most hand work or the most applique. It didn't take hundreds of hours to make like the wholecloth hand quilted trapunto quilt that took best of show. The way I decide who will get my viewer's choice vote is to think, "Hmmm, if I could take any quilt home with me right now, which one would it be?!" This was the quilt I'd take home.
However I may be a little biased - I have made this quilt pattern before! It was because of this quilt pattern that I met one of my best friends, Anna. It is a Pat Sloan pattern and we were both in Pat's yahoo group several years ago. Anna and I had both made this quilt, but in fabrics quite different to the original. Here is mine, complete with my MIL's feet...
And here is Anna's...
I thought Anna's was beautiful so I emailed her to tell her so and we bonded over this quilt pattern and became wonderful internet friends, and then friends in real life when I took my kids and stayed with her for a week in Maryland! I owe a lot to this particular quilt, and I'd take the one in the show home with me in a heartbeat :)


  1. Great post. I think we are drawn to the same kind of quilts as I love the ones you chose to highlight.
    The basket quilt is way too cute. I vote like that too, it's not about the best workmanship or who spent 1084 hours on the quilting, it's about what makes our heart sing.

  2. Lovely pictures, and quilts. Thanks for sharing.
    Great way to make new friends, over a quilt... I have a very similar story - and my favorite one!

  3. Too bad we couldn't have gone together - but I couldn't do Friday. i went yesterday and enjoyed the show as well. I honestly think I might enter a quilt next year. I was also unimpressed by the vendors but I did come home with a very cheap quilt kit with nearly 8 yds of fabric for $35- don't plan to make the quilt but I figured that that was some pretty affordable fabric! I like the Lark fabrics you bought - that line is really growing on me - maybe Santa will bring me some for Christmas.

  4. What talent! Thanks for the wonderful show!

  5. Joanna! My face is smiling sooo big. I'm actually sitting here at .....guess..... Americas Got Talent tryouts here in dc with Eliza-Jane. We've been here for hours, as you can imagine. Killing time, so I go to read your blog, amongst others. And lo and behold! What a great treat. Our basket quilts plus another one. It made me so happy. I love you Girl!! And Pat Sloan, too, for bringing us together. You are my kindred spirit friend.
