Friday, November 18, 2011

Party Time

Our girl Sofia had her birthday party today. I now remember why I haven't done this for 4 years. Between the money spent, and the cake making, house decorating not to mention a bunch of screaming 10/11 year olds running all over the house, it's exhausting! Add to that the fact that I got to bed around 3am after going to the Breaking Dawn premiere last night and it's been quite a day.

We had a Hawaiian theme...

...and the festivities included games, one of which I was shocked none of them had ever played. It's called Pass the Parcel and is a staple at every party in New Zealand.

I just presumed it was here, too, but apparently not. However, it was a huge hit!(Google it!)

We also had photo shoot and these are some of the pics we got...

And even though this isn't the best shot, it might be my favorite. The lone boy invited to the party (he's our neighbor and Sofia told him he HAD to come and watch her brothers - she's such a little stinker! But I'm so glad he came!)

He's such a cutie patootie! he's like Sofia's third brother :)

I had fun making a cake to match the theme...

Sofia was SO happy and I have had so many hugs and I love yous tonight. It was definitely worth the hard work.

Needless to say, I didn't do any quilting at all today. I know I have some new blog readers, and I want to let you know it will be back to quilty business asap on this blog!


  1. They don't have pass the parcel in the US?!!! I am shocked and appalled, I can't imagine a kid's party without it ... although mostly nowadays it's the soft version where every layer has a prize. Kids today!

  2. We have pass the parcel in the UK, or at least they did when I was younger!

  3. Oops forgot to say Happy Birthday to Sofia, and the photo shoot looked like a great idea!

  4. Grew up with pass the parcel in Ireland. Fun party game.


  5. happy birthday to Sofia. I'm glad you've educated the US kids about pass the're right, you can't have a party without it. And your kitchen looks great, I'm happy to see those gorgeous French copper moulds are back on the wall. Have a great day, hope you're up to a bit of you time and sewing time soon

  6. What a party! Makes me wish I was 11 again.
    Well done on all the hard work. I am sure this is a party that will be remembered for a long time.
