Saturday, November 19, 2011

Wool Applique

This week I received a lovely little package in the mail - a prize from fellow blogger, Kerry from Kerry Stitch Designs. It was a package of 3 beautiful embroidery threads. These aren't your regular threads either. Check out that price on the red one!

I have been admiring Kerry's work - it's in the same style as Sue Spargo, who is one of my favorite quilt designers ever! In fact, I think I saw Kerry's City Bucket pattern in a store in Utah last time we visited and I remember loving it and thinking hmmm I think I follow that lady's blog! She sells it in her Etsy store - go check it out, she has beautiful designs! So a HUGE thank you goes to Kerry for the beautiful prize. I am a big fan of wool applique and will absolutely be using them.

Two summers ago some friends and I did a wool pincushion round robin. We each made a base of wool and started some applique to give it a theme, then sent it to the next person who added to it, who sent it to the next person and so on. This is Sharons, of Daisy Cottage Quilting, and was the one that I worked on last and sent back to its owner.

I did the birdhouse and word "wool". Isn't the whole thing beautiful?!

This next one is Anna's, of Bohemian Journey, and it had one more stop before it was sent back to her.
I did the watering can/flower. If this were mine I don't think I could stand to turn it into a pincushion. I'd have to frame it and hang it in a prominent place!

This is my one when I sent it away. Looks pretty empty, yes?!

It did made the rounds and is still hanging out with my friend Brenda of ">Pumpkin Patch Primitives, waiting for her to get inspired! (I need to get pics of Brenda's Fall themed one!) Luckily she lives in my town so I know where to find it hehe! She showed it to me one day when I was visiting and oh my goodness it is nearly all filled up! I don't have a photo of it but there is one on Brenda's Wool Crazy blog which you can see HERE. I think I'll tell her it would make a great Christmas gift for me this year...hint hint Brenda!!


  1. OK,OK,OK...I can take a hint, LOL! I have ssome leaves to go. I guess I can finish it before the end of the year. I was kind of hoping you wouldn't remember it . I am feeling more and more "colorful" these days, LOL!
    Oh, Love the new threads... I picked some up at the VT quilt festival and I'm still wondering what the heck to do with them. They are so beautiful I cringe when I think of actually using them, LOL! I;m a hoarder at heart!

  2. Oh, those are great. Such great little details.
