Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Quilt Top Done

There is no rest for the wicked around here. I went straight from working on Sofia's room to getting the 5th grade quilt I talked about back HERE sewn together.

The fabrics used to set and border the blocks aren't my usual style, but hopefully they will appeal to the masses. Last night I ironed and set the crayon drawn blocks, and cut out the alternating plaid blocks. Today I sewed the quilt top together. Tomorrow I'll baste, quilt and bind it. Oh and did I mention I start a new job tomorrow at a local school? Granted, it's only 2 1/2 hours a day, but needless to say, things are rather busy around here! We also had another birthday today - my youngest boy turned 7...yup busy busy!

Just to add to the crazy amount of things going on right now, tomorrow is the first day of registration for the Stitched Project which I talked a little about back HERE. I'll do a proper post all about it tomorrow. It's going to be so much fun!


  1. Happy birthday to you youngest! Hope he has a wonderful day!
    You are quite busy. Remember to get some rest!
    Best of luck for the new job. Hope you have fun.

  2. Great job on the quilt. The plaid is a nice block to set it with.
