Monday, December 19, 2011

Beary Christmas

Last year my wonderful mother-in-law who is also a quilter (told you she was wonderful!) made this advent calendar for us...
There's a bear which moves around to a different part of the house each day until he ends up at the Christmas tree on December 25th. Looks like a nice, cute quilt right? Maybe you'll have more appreciation for it when you know that the fabric panel alone, not actually made into the quilt, last Christmas was going for anywhere from $80-$140 on Ebay!

My MIL found the panel put away in her fabric stash - she said it had probably been there for 30 years, and she thought the kids might like it so she made it up into a quilt for them. She was right - they LOVE it, and even though we'd never ever sell it, it's nice to know that it's worth big bucks on the open market! But even nicer to know that Grandma made it for us :)


  1. OOH! Great find in the ol' stash bin! Super sweet that she made it up for you! Happy Holidays!

  2. we have that panel in my family too - i am going to forward this post to my mom.

  3. I made about 4 of these 27 years ago. My kids loved it and we still hang it every Christmas. We'd never sell ours either.

  4. My Grandma made one of these for us. My sisters and I would always use it to count down Christmas and loved moving the bear. Of course my parents probably didn't like it as much because we had to have it up before December and the bear was used for keep away.

  5. OMG! I made this when my kids were litte and I worked in a fabric store. My daughter has it now, we can't find the little bear, though! The price of the panel on ebay is outrageous!
