Monday, December 19, 2011

Crazy Cat

I was sewing in my quilt studio in the basement tonight, came upstairs to get a drink, went back down, and found our cat sleeping on the chair I had been sitting in. Not so unusual, right? Well check him out...
He had been sleeping on the floor next to me, and I guess when I was throwing my threads and scraps down, they landed on him, and somehow stayed on him when he jumped onto the chair. Cats and quilts - it's a crazy but perfect combination!


  1. I love it! My cat loves to be around me when Im sewing also, something about all that fabric he just loves to be near it.

  2. My cat thinks I'm sitting in his chair. He will jump up on the seat behind me, then lie down and put his paws against my backside and push to let me know he wants the seat for himself. Some days he wins.

  3. Sometimes my dogs walk around with snippets stuck to them. It's pretty funny. :-)
