Saturday, December 17, 2011

Working Hard

This has been a tough tough week for me - I have been so incredibly busy and have not stopped from when I get up to when I go to bed. One of the reasons is I've been getting my videos for the STITCHED project filmed and edited. They are due tomorrow night and I'm running out of time fast! One of the problems is there are certain parts of the videos I can't film until certain parts of my project are sewn, so there's a lot of going back and forth. The good part of it all is I've been able to do some actual needleturn applique, which I haven't had the chance to do for a little while.

I LOVE my project! I showed it to you all the other night in it's raw form, unstitched, but it's all appliqued now and the videos are on their way to being done.

Remember, if you want to join in the STITCHED project, have a look at THIS POST which has all the info. It starts on January 1st so you still have time to sign up!


  1. It looks like I've missed some posts and am a little behind on this Stitched project of yours. I'll have to catch up (but probably after the holidays as I still have to get to my machine and make more gifts). Your project looks wonderful-- love the colors! That wasn't very nice of them to make the deadline right before the holidays when everyone is so busy!! Have a great week and a wonderful Christmas :0)

  2. Wow! I love your teaser pic... what great shapes and colors.
