Friday, December 16, 2011

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!

OK folk, the Sew Mama Sew giveaway week is over and after asking my hubby to give me two random numbers, the winners are....drum roll....

Jamie @Terrabyte Farm who said...
Thanks for the giveaway, those bells are lovely. I love Denyse Schmidt. I know there are so many great designers, but I love her works the most. Thanks for the chance to win!


kblaxall who said...
I adore Bonnie and Camille's Ruby or Bliss, but my favourite is Kate Spain's Central Park. I scoured the net for weeks trying to find a layer cake recently and managed to find one which I am holding onto like a Prized possession! Thnaks very much for the beautiful giveaway. I am new here, but have become a follower as I heart applique and you designs are so cute!

So congrats ladies, I have emailed both of you! If I don't hear from them by Monday I will draw new winners:)

Thank you to every single person who commented. I started replying to everyone, then there were just too many and my life was crazy busy this week, but please know that I read every single one and appreciate the time you took to comment.

In other news, tonight a bunch of friends and our kids got together at a friend's place to make gingerbread houses. It was so much fun! After some frosting dilemmas and a quick trip to AC Moore for meringue powder, we got on the right track, and even though most of the houses collapsed, we had a ton of fun! In the end, my girl gave up on the house and turned the pieces into some snow covered ground, and decorated sugar cones to look like Christmas trees... I think it looks fantastic!

My boys had SO much fun decorating theirs, and they did hold together for a while...

and then the roofs collapsed...

but they don't care. They just want to eat them anyway!

Big thanks to my friend Julissa who baked the house pieces herself and fed us all pizza. She's amazing!! Especially when you look at the mess we all left...
I did do the dishes though. I had to do something!!


  1. I love it that you have celebrated the triumph of the ginger bread houses regardless of how brief it was. I have the same trouble with my ginger bread houses too.

  2. Love the "houses" and I think we have a little Carmen to be who figured how to use the supplies and make something even better with the trees.
    One tip a friend taught me is that if you use "melted" sugar to act like glue it will keep it all together. You scoop sugar in a skillet and then allow it to melt to a liquid on the stove. It is very hot and can burn so not for kids to do but it is a great method!
