Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Christmas Tree?

Please tell me that I'm not the only person in blogland who still has these type of decorations out...
...and a space like this where the Christmas tree should be...


  1. Beat ya by a day! Fall is away - and Christmas is going up slowly...Best to you!

  2. Nope - got my house decorated this week but did find some Easter stuff still out so what does that say about me. Of course there was fall stuff to take down too.

  3. You're not the only one. For the first time in years I haven't yet decorated for Christmas. I usually do it in late November. Maybe this weekend I'll get to it, I hope.

  4. Hoping this weekend! Needing to do simple so i am not still decorating Christmas eve and taking down a week later! Plus still have a few gifts to finish - ahhh, the life of the overachieving quilter!
