Thursday, December 8, 2011

Ornaments and Tutorials

Today was the day! Finally the tree is up! I assembled the tree and the kids decorated it. I didn't put a single decoration. I sat on the couch and directed them, with the main direction being to balance things and not have them all clumped together. They did a great job! Now they're watching TV with all the lights turned out and just the tree lights on.

What a great time of year this is!

I have a couple of quilty type of ornaments. First are some hearts I made about 8 years ago...

They are extra special because of the buttons. Most of the buttons you see came from my great grandparents knitting factory they owned in New Zealand around 100 years ago now.

Next is a cathedral window ornament my wonderful MIL made for my oldest son's first Christmas...
This is a folded fabric ornament which I have a tutorial for HERE. Super fast and easy to make, and a great way to use up scraps!
I also have a tutorial for a candy cane holder ornament HERE. It's easier than it looks :)
Who else loves hand made ornaments?!


  1. That tree looks gorgeous. Christmas is such a special time of year. Love your ornaments...and those cute old buttons. I'm inspired to decorate the house, my kids are a bit older and I haven't done it for a couple of years I'm sorry to say. But I will this weekend. I love Christmas.
    Merry Christmas Joanna :-)

  2. Your tree looks beautiful and that first shot of the room and kids by the warm light of the tree -- just priceless!

    I loved your handmade wool ornaments. You've got me thinking about doing a "primitive quilting" themed tree in the future.

    It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas......
