Thursday, February 2, 2012

Hanging My Head In Shame

Well here I am, FINALLY writing a post, but just like the title says, hanging my head in shame. When I last posted on December 31st I said I would still be posting 2-3 times a week. January came and went and I didn't post a single thing! I think the whole year of daily posting just burnt me out. Every time I thought about posting, I just thought, 'Ugh", and then time got away on me and I felt worse and worse. You know how it goes! But here I am now!

I really haven't done much quilting this last month. Between the holidays and kids at school and my new job, I just haven't had the same amount of time as I used to. I need to get better at using the time I have.

Two nights ago however, I sat down at my sewing machine and forced myself to sew. I really want to get my zig zag quilt finished for our bedroom. It's been in the making for over a year now, and it's time to get it done! A block here and there just isn't cutting it, so I sewed for a few hours and made 200 units which will be turned into 25 blocks which is just about the number left that I needed.

If you want to make your own zig zag blocks, I made a tutorial HERE that you can use. They are SO much fun to make, and it's a great way to use scraps you have lying around.

The next sewing I need to do is curtains. Remember when I sewed 180 yards of fabric into curtains for a local hair salon last year? Well they want more curtains, so I will once again be up to my elbows in sheer curtain fabric again! Hey, my roots are showing and I am in desperate need of highlights, so the timing couldn't be more perfect!

Phew! Now that I've done a post, I feel like I've got over the burnt-out-bump and I promise I'll be more faithful in posting regularly! Thanks for hanging in there.


  1. I'm so glad you're back...I missed you!

  2. I've been checking faithfully and I'm so glad you're back!

  3. I have missed you!
    Please come on now!!!
    Just a few words each weak!
    Big hugs from a cold Sweden and me!!

  4. Oh no, not more curtains!!! Glad you're back Joanna. I've popped in from time to time but figured you'd need a breather. I hadn't realised til I read your december post that you had been on a mission to post every day... well done you. I really like the zig zag quilt, it looks great.
    cheers M
    PS happy NZ day for Monday

  5. Welcome back! I know exactly how you feel. Don't worry, just take it easy into it again. No need to rush.
    Good luck with the curtains! At least you know your work is appreciated.
    I love the zigzag quilt, and adore it every time you show the progress.

  6. Missed your posts as well, and am glad you are back! Though, fully understand you.
    Greetings from also very cold Switzerland. Brrrrrrr......
    Connie (Dragonfly)

  7. Hey, that's life!
    Glad to see you back and if you post a few times a week or month or whatever it's always nice to read them.

  8. I almost gave up checking your blog to see if you were back - I am glad you are! pressure here to blog more than you care to, but it is good to see you again.

  9. Glad to see you back. Been missing you and your inspiration, but boy, do I understand! It can be so hard to fit sewing into an exhausting schedule.

  10. I missed you friend. Glad to see you back!

  11. Even though I miss you posting, I'd much rather read less frequently and have you not feeling any pressure. Your blog is a gift not an obligation.

    No shame....cross that out....double cancel cancel....what is good for you is good for the must be true because my mother told me that.


  12. I am so glad I'm not alone .... I also had the blahs.. and didn't post on my blog for a while.... I'm glad you're back.. love to visit you...hugs..

  13. Well I'm glad that I'm not the only one! I haven't posted since December too. I think we work ourselves up to doing too much sometimes... nice to be able to read you again... but totally understand.

  14. This all designs are made from different coloring fabrics are look so beautiful and amazing.

  15. Come back come back!! We're missing you:)

  16. Hi Joanna, don't worry, I just post when I feel like it, about once a week. I'm just stopping by to say how delightful your blog is. Thanks so much for sharing. I have recently found your blog and am now following you, and will visit often. Please stop by my blog and perhaps you would like to follow me also. Have a wonderful day. Hugs, Chris
