Friday, March 16, 2012

First Fabric of the Year

OK OK OK So I know I've been the worst blogger ever. My sister-in-law even told me on Facebook that it was time for me to do another apologetic post. So, with apologies out of the way, let's get on with the show...

Today I bought the first quilt fabric I've bought all year. There is ONE quilt shop in our town, and it's so tiny and out of the way that I lived here for 5 years before I knew it existed. It's really not my kind of shop - absolutely no modern fabrics, but a good supply of basics. I received an email from them yesterday saying they were having a 40% off absolutely everything sale, so how could I not go?!

I even managed to find some goodies to take home - some mustard and purple Kona cottons, 2 grey monochromatic pieces to add to my grey stash (yes I'm collecting greys!) and there was no way I could pass up the Little Golden Book fabric. It's begging to be made into a book bag! Or maybe a nice padded cover for my new Kindle Fire which my hubby surprised me with this week! (On a side note, I've been watching the first season of '24' on it - yes, 10 years after the fact. How did I not see it the first time around? It's FABULOUS!!)
A bobbin spool holder also came home with me. I've been wanting one for years, and at 40% off it was a no-brainer...
We've had a fun week as it was Spirit week at the kids' school. Each day had a different theme - Mix-match day, Pajama day, Crazy Hat day, Crazy Hair day, and finally today, Green Day. I have a couple of pics of the kids and their get-ups...

First, Mix-match day...
and secondly, Crazy Hair day...

So you see, even though I've been a terrible blogger, some things never change around here!


  1. Wow, 40% off is AMAZING! Looks like you snagged some good stuff. Hope you are able to come back - I really miss your blog...

  2. Ah, there you are!
    You´ve been missed!

  3. I have missed your blog so much. I kept looking almost every day and today was to be my last time!!! I enjoy your blog tons and hope you keep posting. I was a little worried that something had happened to you or that you were sick. Glad to know all is well. And your kids are cute as ever!
    Saundra Cindrich

  4. Great to hear from you!
    40% Discount...I am surprised you didn't buy the whole shop!
    I always enjoy seeing what the kids are up to. Still making life interesting for you...!
