Saturday, March 17, 2012

The Leprechaun Did It...

Did what you might ask? Well just look for yourself...

Our little resident leprechaun had fun before the kids got up today doing things like pinning up my quilts, hanging pictures upside down, moving chairs and pots to the wrong place, and of course, turning the milk green! My boys totally believe in 11 year old girl, hmmm...not so much!


  1. That look summarizes exactly how I feel every morning.

  2. Thank you for making me laugh! I so miss seeing that "Oh Mom" look now that my 3 daughters each have daughters of their own. I can't wait for them to see it for themselves. ;)
    What a fun, fun idea!

  3. lol - too funny! My dd is 10 yrs old, and would give the same response, likely accompanied by "Really Mom? Really?"
