Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Quilt Room Neglect

Since I haven't blogged or quilted very much so far this year (going to change, I promise!), my quilt room has become very neglected. In fact I've avoided going into it at all expense, but today was the day. My daughter was home sick from school...(having a nap on the couch with her vomit bowl!)

which meant I needed to stay home from work, and well, what better day to clean my quilt room up?! I had no idea where to start, so I did the same thing I tell my kids...just bend over and pick up the first thing you touch. Whaddya know, it actually worked! It went from this...ugh...

to this...

Yay! Sofia hasn't been using her little sewing are too much lately, so she kindly said I could set up my laptop and drawing tablet on her desk.

I filled up 3 large bags full of trash...

And filled a large box with fabric to get rid of... (if anyone local wants it, come and get it - sorry I'm not mailing it anywhere - it's too big! There's nothing fancy in it - mostly older chain store calico type fabrics)

I also put my bobbins into the handy dandy bobbin holder I bought in my last post.

At last, I feel like quilting again!


  1. Sorry to hear that your daughter has been sick. I hope she feels better soon.
    You've done a great job tidying up your quilt room. Would you like to come to my place and clean up my craft corner? :D

  2. I so need to do this as well. Guess what I'll be doing tomorrow morning. Yep, dealing with the first thing that I touch in my studio.

    Your wall of mini quilts looks great in your studio!

    I hope your daughter gets over her sick-bug soon.

  3. Yep, I need to do this too....... again:-) How come we drop stuff to the floor? You can't even see the floor in my sewing room at the moment! bags, boxes and "stuff" everywhere. I like your "pick up the first thing" tactic.... I used to use the "just choose 5 things and deal with them" method but one at a time would be much easier!

    Hope your little one cheers up soon,

  4. Oh, I´m sorry that i´m not living next door whit you!
    Think I saw some real goodies in your "trash"!!!
    Hope your daughter is better today!

  5. Poor thing..hope she is feeling better. Love your advice about the clean up...I'll have to try that on my kids.

    Your sewing room looks amazing...ready for a new project. :-)

  6. Hope that your little one is feeling better by now... nothing like a sick day at home to help you get back on your feet.
    You know that I had to check out...
    where exactly home is... I would be right over for the scraps (not that I really "need" them) if you were "still" in Utah! Yep... that's where I am. Have you ever made a
    String Quilt? Check out this blog; if you like scrappy type quilts;
    and go to her "Free Patterns area.
    Bonnie Hunter is the blogger.
    You will use those up quick time!

  7. We'll be glad to have you back! My sewing room need the same thing...

  8. Oh, your poor daughter.
    Hope she is feeling better soon.
    WOW, your room looks fabulous, now you are ready to get in there and create.

  9. Hope Sofia feels better soon! Not nice to be sick.
    Lovely sewing room! It always feels great when things are organized again. Happy sewing!

  10. Wow I am impressed. its sparkling and I love the wall of incentive!
    Your poor daughter she looks pale hope she feels better really soon.
    I love that holder on the wall for your binder and mags.

  11. I hope your daughter is much improved. Your sewing room looks great and its so much fun to get back into a newly neatened area. Enjoy!
