Friday, April 20, 2012

The Bookshelf

A couple of weeks ago my lovely little green bookcase in the hallway which you can read about HERE went from this...
to this...
UUGGGHHHH!! Yes folks, it completely collapsed! What was a girl to do? I needed that storage for my cookbooks and church books. My little house just doesn't have anywhere else to put them! Soooo I got myself down to the thrift store quick smart, and found this beauty...
Best of all was the price!
Yes, I know it doesn't look like much with its nasty beat-up brown paint job, but it was the perfect size, and heavy duty. This thing isn't collapsing any time soon like the predecessor! A couple of coats of white glossy spray paint, and it now looks like this...
So lovely! I finally have a place to put my books, extra dishes, and my little collection of green 'stuff'! Also, the fruit and vege quilt is the perfect size to go right above it.
Just for a size comparison, here's a photo of both the old bookshelf and the new one together...
Now I need to do some serious rearranging of the rest of the kitchen so my framed pavlova tea towel has a home too. Stay tuned!


  1. Well that was a happy accident! Great bookcase! I'm loving your pavlova tea towel too. :-)

  2. That bookcase is perfect under your fruit quilt. Love your bright and happy kitchen.

  3. What a great opportunity to see the fruit and veggie wallhanging again! And it does look great over the new bookcase.

    Do you think you'll decopage the top of this one too or maybe make a runner for it? I love great thrift shop finds!

  4. Fabulous, I love the new look. Perfect piece to hang above it. Job well done!
