Thursday, July 12, 2012

Quilting By the Pool

Our neighbors have been away on vacation and very kindly offered for us to use their pool. With hot temperatures it's been a life saver! I've been reading a book (Insurgent by Veronica Roth - so great!) while the kids swim. I jump in now and then to cool off, but I finished the book last night so what is a girl to do? Quilt of course! Sofia has been itching to make a new quilt for her bed, so she chose a pattern from one of my magazines, and we went fabric shopping - both at the store and in my drawers. So today while the kids swam I started cutting...
I absolutely love the pattern she chose - great for beginners, with good size blocks to show off beautiful fabric.
She went with a pink and orange theme, with the pink zebra print replacing the dark green, and orange replacing the brown sashing. That's my girl - nice and bright!
Loving the scraps sitting on the poolside chair...who says you have to quilt inside?!
I'm excited to have a Mom/daughter summer project underway.

1 comment:

  1. I will sit and stitch outside when the weather is nice. great colors for the quilt.
