Thursday, August 9, 2012

Book Bag

On Saturday one of my best friend's little daughters had a birthday - she loves everything pink so I had to make her a monogrammed book bag with a big white detachable flower - isn't she the cutest thing ever?!
My daughter Sofia wanted to make her something too, so she found some pink squares from a charm pack, sewed them together, added a back, stuffed it and sewed it closed to make a pillow.
I was SO pleased - she did it completely by herself. That's a huge accomplishment for her, and it actually turned out pretty good! We are still working on her pink quilt from my last post back HERE. All the blocks are made and we now need to add the sashing and get the top put together. We have a good thing going - I've been doing all the sewing and she does all the ironing. We make a great team! More pics of that coming soon! Also, I'm teaching at a special crafternoon event coming up in September - look for a blog post about that in the next couple of days!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations for passing it on ...

    She did a pretty fabulous job, btw.

