Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Election Day

Well, here I am - 3 days without posting. Aaargh I already failed in my goal! Oh well, it's about how many times you keep trying, right? Yeah yeah yeah I'll keep telling myself that ;P So the big news today here in the U.S. is the election, and in my little world, it was a big deal for me as it was my first time voting, as I became a citizen in February. I did my duty, and the world is still turning. This is a photo of me right after I voted...I was helping at our school's bake sale and thought one of the decorations would make a great patriotic hat...
In other news, I spent some time today framing some super cute stitcheries I found at the thrift store a few weeks ago. I saw these and fell in love - they were unframed, but I saw the potential in them!
Plus, the price was just right...
I bought 2 white 11x14 frames which were the perfect size. The only problem was the stitcheries were mounted to very thick cardboard - too thick for the frames, so I remounted them on thin cardboard which was perfect. When I took all the old tape off, I saw this printed on the edge...
How cool is that? These stitcheries are only one year younger than me! This isn't their final placement - I just had nails already in the wall so took advantage of that to take photos of them hanging. I have plans for my kitchen walls...stay tuned!


  1. Congrats on your first time vote... love the hat! What a great find those stitcheries were. They look fab all freshly framed. Nice one!

  2. Congratulations on your first USA vote!
    Those stitcheries are adorable. What a wonderful find. The frames does look good on them.

  3. It was my first time to vote as well, very exciting!
