Wednesday, November 7, 2012

What To Do...

I have 14 of my mini quilts sitting here on the couch next to me, and I have no idea where to put them!
They were originally in the hallway, then in my quilt room, but that's been all changed around (will have to do a big post about that one of these days!) so now once again, they need to find a new place to live. I was thinking of using a kitchen wall but that might be overkill. Same with the living room. Maybe they can go back in the hallway. Sigh. I'm so indecisive!


  1. Frame them? Make them into a table runner? Or handbag?

  2. I have one spot in my kitchen where I hang a mini. Then I change them out ever so often. Each one seems new again when I hang it up

  3. I always loved your mini's in the hall. But I think I would love them wherever you hang them.

  4. Joanna,
    I can hardly wait to see how this breaks into a surprise on your wall?
    Lovely idea, I think!

  5. Can the bird one come live at my house? It's beautiful! I am working on my own set of Trees from your class over at Sticthed.
