Thursday, April 4, 2013

D is for DOUGH

A lot of dough making goes on in this house, so today I have a photo tutorial on how to make dough, and trust me, it's so easy you'll wonder why you haven't done it sooner! It uses no milk or eggs so is very cheap to make.

Here we go...

First, get your bowl (I use my Kitchen Aid which makes things infinitely easier!)

Pour in 2 cups warm tap water

Add 2 tsp yeast

 Add 1/4 cup sugar

Add a knob of butter (I usually use a little oil but had some butter on the counter that needed to be used)

Add 5 cups flour

Add 1 tsp salt

Mix for 5-10 minutes with the dough hook on your mixer, or by hand.

The dough should still be quite sticky.

Take dough out of bowl, spray oil in the bowl and place dough back in

Cover with plastic wrap

Let rise for 1 hour

See how the plastic wrap has bulged up?  That is air/gas, not dough pushing it up. That's a good sign that the yeast is doin' it's thing!

Dump it onto a flat surface (I don't even use extra flour here - oiling the bowl makes the dough behave very nicely!)...

Doesn't it look like a brain here?!

...and then shape however you want. Tonight we had chili for dinner so I made fried dough to go with it as such...

I spread them apart a little after I cut them so they wouldn't bump into each other while rising.

 I once again covered it with plastic wrap and let it rise for about 1/2 an hour longer.

See how it rose again? Nice!

Once it was risen, I cooked the dough, then we ate it with the chili. Yum!

Do you like how it looks as if it's floating above the bowl in this photo? It was just sitting on the edge of the bowl but I'm really liking the optical illusion!

 Some of us opted to eat it with butter and golden syrup - my fellow Kiwis you KNOW how good that is!

You can make ANYTHING with this dough! Bread, rolls, doughnuts, fried dough, cinnamon rolls, pizza base, breadsticks, pretzels, foccacia, you name it. You may substitute some of the flour for wheat flour, oats,  bran, or whatever you please for a healthier version.


2 cups warm water
2 tsp yeast
Knob of butter or splash of oil
1/4 cup sugar
5 cups flour
1 tsp salt


  1. I love those! I loved the chili too!

  2. Thanks for this recipe. Fried dough? Do you mean you deep fried it instead of baking it?

  3. I so long to make my own bread, but I don't know how to experiment. I like a sweet bread, even for my loaf bread.....does it hurt this process to add more sugar?

  4. Thank you so, so, so much for sharing this! It has become a fast favorite. My family all loves it. Tonight I tried making pretzel rolls out of it and they turned out delicious! (Posted here: Thank you again for such a fantastic recipe.

  5. Thank you so, so, so much for sharing this! It has become a fast favorite. My family all loves it. Tonight I tried making pretzel rolls out of it and they turned out delicious! (Posted here: Thank you again for such a fantastic recipe.
